Saturday, 30 July 2016

Honesty Pays

Honesty Pays

At the point of death a man, Tom Smith, called his children and after praying for them, 
he advised them to follow his footsteps so that they can have peace of mind in all that they do.

The youngest child, Immaculate, a female, looked at others and yelled, "Daddy, its unfortunate you are dying without a penny in your bank account, personally, I can't emulate you. Other father's that you tag as being corrupt, thieves of public funds left houses and properties for their children; even this house we live in is a rented apartment, sorry, I can't emulate you, just go, let's chart our own course, let's paddle our own canoe."

Few moments later, their father gave up the spirit.

Three years later, Immaculate went for an interview in a multinational company. The interview panel had already penciled down a candidate for the highly coveted post but wanted to complete the formality of interviewing all applicants on the list.

As soon as Immaculate sat before the interview panel, the Chairman of the committee asked, "Which Smith is yours" and Immaculate replied, "I am Immaculate Smith. My Dad Tom Smith is now late he died a poor man..."

But the Chairman cuts in, "O my God, you are Tom Smith's daughter?"

He turned to other members and said "This Smith man was the one that signed my membership form into the Institute of Chartered Administrators and his recommendation earned me where I am today. He did all these free. I didn't even know his address, he never knew me from Adam. He just did it for me."

He turned to Immaculate, I have no question for you, consider yourself as having gotten this job, resume tomorrow, your letter will be waiting for you.

Immaculate Smith became the Corporate Affairs Manager of the company with two cars, one official and one for private use, attached to the office, with a duplex and two drivers and a salary of £100,000 per month excluding allowances and other costs when she traveled outside England.

After two years of working in the company, the Group Managing Director of the company came from America to announce his intention to resign and needed a replacement. A personality with high integrity was sought after, again the company's Consultant nominated Immaculate Smith.

In an interview, she was asked the secret of her success and the sudden sky rocketing profile and in tears, she replied, my Daddy paved these ways for me. It was after he died that I knew that he was financially poor but strikingly rich in integrity, discipline and honesty. 

She was asked again, why she is weeping since she is no longer a kid as to miss her dad still after a long time. She replied, "At the point of death, I insulted my dad for being an honest man of integrity. I hope he will forgive me in his grave now. I didn't work for all these, he did it for me to just walk in.

So finally she was asked, “Will you follow your father's footsteps as he requested? 
And her simple answer was, "l now adore the man, I have a big picture of him in my living room and at the entrance of my house. He deserves whatever I have after God.

Are you like Tom Smith?

It pays to build a name, the reward doesn't come quickly but it will come however long it may take and it lasts longer.
Integrity, discipline, self control and fear of God makes man wealthy, not the fat bank account.  Leave a good heritage for your children.

Are you building a good name for your children not a fat bank account? 

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Judge Others Consciously

My boss drove a luxury car everyday and it was my duty to greet him and to open the gates for him, as I worked as a watchman in his villa. But he never responded back to my greetings.

One day he saw me opening the garbage bags outside the villa in search for any leftover food. But, as usual he never even looked at me, it was like as if he never saw anything!

The very next day I saw a paper bag at the same place, but it was clean and the food inside was covered well. It was fresh and good food like someone had just brought it from the supermarket. I didn’t bother as to where it came from, I just took the paper bag and I was so happy about it.

Every day I found this paper bag at the same place with fresh vegetables and all that we needed for home. This became my daily routine. I was eating and sharing this food with my wife and kids. I was wondering who this fool could be to forget his paper bag full of fresh food every day.

One day there was a big problem in the villa and I was told that my boss has died. There were too many guests coming to the villa that day and I didn’t get any food that day, so I thought that one of the guests must have taken it. But the same thing happened the 2nd day, the 3rd day and the 4th day.

It went on like this for a few weeks and I found it difficult to provide food for my family, so I decided to ask the wife of my boss for a raise in my salary or else I would quit my job as a watchman.

After I told her, she was shocked, and asked me, how come you never complained about your salary for the last 2 years? And why is this salary not enough for you now? I gave her so many excuses but she was never convinced!

Finally in the end, I decided to tell her the truth, I told her the entire story of the bag of groceries, and as to how it was my daily provision. She then asked me as to when this stopped? I told her after the death of her husband. And then I realized that I stopped seeing the paper bag immediately after the death of my boss. Why didn’t I ever think of this before? That it was my boss who was providing this for me? I guess it was because I never thought that a person who never replied to my greetings could ever be this generous!

His wife started to cry and I told her to please stop crying and that I’m really sorry that I asked for a raise, I didn’t know that it was your husband who was providing me with the meals, I’ll remain as a watchman and be happy to provide my service.

His wife told me, I’m crying because I’ve finally found the 7th person my husband was giving this bag full of food. I knew my husband was giving 7 people every day, I had already found the 6 people, and all these days I was searching for the 7th person. And today I found out.

From that day onward, I started to receive the bag full of food again, but this time his son was bringing it to my house and giving it to my hand. But whenever I thanked him, he never replied! Just like his dad!

One day, I told him THANK YOU in a very loud voice! He replied back to me to please not be offended when he doesn’t reply, because he has a hearing problem, just like his dad!”

Oh! We have been wrong so many times judging others without knowing the true story behind their actions. Be kind and courteous in dealing with others, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Shadow of God

A group of 15 Soldiers led by a Major were on their way to the post in the Himalayas where they would be deployed for the next 3 months. The batch who would be relieved waited anxiously.

It was a cold winter and intermittent snowfall made the treacherous climb more difficult.

If someone could offer a cup of tea. The Major thought, knowing it was a futile wish.

They continued for an hour before they came across a dilapidated structure, which looked like a tea shop but locked. It was late in the night. 

"No tea Boys, Bad Luck", said the Major. But he suggested all take some rest there as they have been walking for 3 hours.
"Sir, this is a tea shop and we can make tea. We will have to break the lock", suggested one Soldier. 

The Officer was in great dilemma to the unethical suggestion but the thought of a steaming cup of tea for the tired Soldiers made him to give the permission.

They were in Luck; the place had everything they needed to make tea and also packets of biscuits.

The Soldiers had tea and biscuits and were ready for the remaining Journey.

The Major thought, they had broken open lock and had Tea and biscuits without the permission of the owner. But they're not a band of thieves. 

He took out a Rs 1,000/- note from his wallet, placed it on the counter, pressed under a sugar container, so that the owner can see.

The Officer was now relieved of his guilt. 

He ordered to put the shutter down and proceed.

Three months passed, they continued to do gallantly in their works and were lucky not to lose anyone from the group in the intense insurgency situation.

It was time for another team to relieve them. .

Soon they were on their way back and stopped at the same tea shop which was open and owner was present in the shop.
The owner an old man with meager resources was very happy to greet 15 customers. 

All of them had tea and biscuits. They talked to the old man about his life and experience especially selling tea at such a remote place.

The old man had many stories to tell, replete with his faith in GOD. 

"Oh, Man, if GOD is there, why should He keep you in such poverty?", Commented one of them.

"Do not say like that Sir! GOD actually is there, I got a proof 3 months ago."
"I was going through very Tough times because my only son had been severely beaten by terrorist who wanted some information from him which he did not had. 

I had closed my shop to take my son to hospital. Some medicines were to be purchased and I had no money. No one would give me loan for fear of the terrorists. There was No hope, Sir".

"And that day Sir, I prayed to GOD for help. And Sir, GOD walked into my shop that day."
"When I returned to my Shop, I found lock broken, I felt I was finished; I lost whatever little I had. But then I saw that GOD had left Rs. 1,000/- under the sugar pot. I can't tell you Sir what that money was worth that day. GOD exists Sir. He does."

The faith in his eyes was unflinching.
Fifteen pairs of eyes met the eyes of the Officer and read the order in his eyes clear and unambiguous, "Keep Quiet".

The Officer got up and paid the bill. He hugged the old man and said, "Yes Man, I know GOD does exist. Yes, the tea was wonderful."

The 15 Pairs of eyes did not miss to notice the moisture building up in the eyes of their officer, a rare sight.

The Truth is You can be shadow of GOD to Anyone.