Tuesday, 13 September 2011


By Abu Shazil

We, the inhabitants of LAND OF PURE (PAKISTAN), have become immune to impurities. We have also lost sense of differentiation between pure and impure. It's not known that how we adopted this social evil but it clearly indicates deteriorating moral fiber of our society. In fact it will not be out of place if we call it moral disaster. This shift rather drift has changed meanings of many terms indicating social environment of our society. When I analyse this drift I find that the root cause of the change is illiteracy. Illiteracy includes social as well as religious illiteracy. Drift from teachings of Islam, which should have been adopted as CODE OF LIFE, is the root cause of mushroom growth of evils driving us away from the very purpose of creation of mankind. Everyone of us must ask ourselves a question "How far we practice Islam?". Truly speaking the percentage of population, practicing Islam as CODE OF LIFE is much less than 50%.

I believe that is the reason for our poverty, high crime rate, ever increasing number of drug addicts, killings and deteriorating moral values is distancing from religion. Elite class of our society separates religion from daily life and thinks that old teachings of religion do not match with present day living norms of society therefore have become redundant and need evolution alongside ever evolving social habits of modern day nations/societies. Poor class has no time to think about religion as they are always striving for the basic necessities of life (Food, clothing & Shelter etc). Even if we take elite, middle and poor classes equal in number, we find the 2/3 of society is not concerned about religion therefore the mothers of these classes do not bring up their kids as per teachings of Islam. Elite mothers build the character of their kids as per principles of so called enlightened modernization, which has actually been injected into our minds by the WEST. WEST, which itself is astray morally and ethically. Poor or Delete class mother's foundation to bring up their kids is beg, borrow or steel the basic necessities of life.

What a petty that most of us are following astray cultures, satanic teachings and evil principles. Naturally the result will be an astray nation, WHICH WE ARE.

Ponder upon this and start a reverse journey towards your culture, your values, your traditions and LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST YOUR RELIGION. Because Islam is the only religion which is complete rather super set of all the old religions. Let it be known that the first messenger of Allah was also blessed with the Islam as a religion but that Islam was subset of Prophet MUHAMMAD PBUH's Islam. And thereafter all the 1,24,000 messengers brought new/enhanced version of Islam. The honour of completing Islam and making it a complete CODE OF LIFE was bestowed upon Last Prophet MUHAMMAD Peace be upon Him. We being the followers of MUHAMMAD PBUH, if go astray, it is our bad luck.

Lets revive our believes, ask for forgiveness from Allah, and mend our bad habits. Let's start following the TRUE religion ISLAM and make our lives SUCCESSFUL in the world here and hereafter.


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