Thursday, 27 October 2011

Land of Dying Values

By: Abu Shazil
Today I am in a deep valley, valley of sorrow, plunging me down and down forever. I am trying hard but unable to find a string to hold, an edge to rest my feet on. I am trying to swim in the clouds, fly in the air but all in vein. Momentum is so much that I cannot foresee but a crash, a bang, but suddenly I have entered into a world unknown to me. A strange world, a world of dying values, feeble ethics, misty culture, vague fortune and greedy populace. The story goes like this that a poor lady was brought in  a private hospital with labor pains in emergency. She was admitted in the hospital and within few hours, gave birth to a baby. Spent night in the hospital and in the morning got discharged from the hospital. The management presented her with a hospital bill of Rs. 3500, which she was unable to pay  being from a poor family. She requested the management for allowing her to go home and promised to pay the bill after arranging it. But management refused to accept her proposal and demanded immediate payment, which she could not. Management of the hospital got furious, snatched her new born from her and expelled her from the hospital telling her that her baby will be given to her only, when she clears the hospital dues.

While watching the woman telling her story with tears in her eyes and appeal on her lips to the government authorities for getting her baby back  I had a flash back. I was in a hospital of England for treatment of my wife who was leukemia patient. She had bone marrow transplant and unfortunately developed "Graft versus host disease" leading to her death. The bulk of the bill amount had already been paid but still I owed few thousand pounds to the hospital. While in the turmoil hospital authorities helped me out in completing all the formalities and never ever asked a single question about the bill or payments.
I was in an alien country where no one knew me, NO ONE. No one had a clue that I will be able to pay the arrears or not, NO ONE. What they knew was that I am a human being who has lost a dear one, and that too in a strange country so I definitely deserve their help which they extended, ALL OUT, YES, ALL OUT.

I am thinking and asking myself; could I call a creature a human being who snatched a baby from her mother because she could not arrange few thousand bucks? Am I living in a jungle? Are we the followers of Muhammad (SAW), who is blessing for all the worlds which exist in this universe.? I am unable to find the answer to my questions.

It's important for us to explain to our nation that we the followers of Muhammad (SAW) are supposed to be the best in creed, best of clan, best of clique. We have to set the examples. Human beings are the most important species and rest everything is valueless. We have to build our National Character on the foundations of Islam, on the teachings of the last prophet. Lets endeavor to correct our follies, mend our ways, make this blessed land a piece of peace, heaven on earth. Let's make a pledge that we will start from our own self.

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