Monday, 3 October 2011


We got independence from subjugation of British Raj and managed to draw the boundaries of an independent state named Pakistan, the land of pure,  in the name of Allah.

We got separated from Hindu majority on the pretext that under Hindu rule, when British quits India, we will not be able to practice Islam, our religion, freely. Allah SWT blessed us with a country. The very first part of land, land of pure, which emerged on the face of earth, on the ideology of Islam.

Our forefathers sacrificed their honour, their lands, their homes, their belongings and above all their lives for creation of this independent piece of land with a dream that their coming generations will not face hostile environments and will be able to freely practice Islam as CODE OF LIFE.

But today when I look around and measure the activities of daily life on the scale of Islam I find that we are far away from the teachings of Islam. All my fellow countrymen, belonging to different walks of life, have one thing in common and that is, they have forgotten Islamic principles of life. They have devised their own versions of social bindings, social values and social norms. they have gone money minded, they have become materialistic.

In the past 64 plus years, our leaders have contributed nothing to improve the society, to deliver what they are elected for. They remained busy in plundering the national wealth, getting nationalities of US, UK and other destinations for their families, appointing their kith and kin on lucrative posts and left the common man bewildered. Instead of doing legislation they remained busy in getting favourite bureaucrats posted in their constituencies, punishing their opponents , looting development funds, and enjoying undue privileges.

I want to ask from ruling class; did we elect these MNA's and MPA's to make them masters of our fate or were they suppose to make legislations. Being student of political science I was taught that government has three pillars, legislators who make the laws, administrators who run the government affairs and judiciary which provides justice to the people. I believe that MNA's and MPA's are the legislators. Their foremost duty is to provide the state with the laws, matching the locale, for the judiciary and develop guiding principles, to run the government, for bureaucracy.

But are they doing these duties? NO. They do not. That is the reason this country kept dwindling, rolling down the slope to meet the fate of a failed state and we the people (AWAM), remained silent observers. Instead of checking our leaders, making them accountable for their deeds, kept electing them time and again to repeat the old story.

So we cannot blame the politicians or bureaucracy for the ill fate of our beloved Pakistan. We all  are equally responsible. Had we done our job justly! Casted our vote for the right candidates. The fate of this country would have been different.

It's never too late. Let us pull our socks, mend our way, correct our attitude, follow the right path, path of Islamic teachings. Start acting for the betterment of our country and I assure you that within no time we will be on the track of development, physically and morally. We will transform into a nation. A nation which owns LAND OF PURE, a promising land. A wondrous piece of land with topography of mountains, glaciers, plains, desserts and rivers. enjoying the seasons of   winter, spring, summer and autumn, marvellous soil to grow all the cash  crops and to produce all sorts of fruits. 


We the Pakistanis belonging to any religion, tribe, caste or creed are above all Pakistanis. Let us make a promise to ourselves today that we will not do anything against the teachings of our religion Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Hinduism, or whatever. I believe that no religion propagates or promotes wrongs. All the religions teach the basic principle of LIVE AND LET LIVE. We will not accept anything wrong against the state, Pakistan, and make the right choice to elect the right people, not the plunderers, looters, cheaters and robbers. We will elect noble people for the noble cause to make right legislations, to Implement laws in true perspectives and to do justice without any favouritism and bias.


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