Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Social Bankruptcy

By: Abu Shazil
I live in Pakistan, land of pure is its name implies. But every day rather every hour I listen, read or watch a story, entailing social bankruptcy. My society is deteriorating so rapidly, when I think of this I feel a chilling shock wave in my spinal cord. Today an old pensioner of Pakistan Railway died, awaiting pension, in front of a Bank where dozens of senior citizens spent night, waiting for bank to open so that they could draw their pension, hard earned pension. The pensioner's wait lingered beyond his life and in struggle to hand over his pension book to bank authorities in a crowed suffered suffocation leading to his death. Interestingly today my legislators have passed senior citizens bill, which will look after the interest of senior citizens of Pakistan. Does mere passing of bill will save the senior citizens from the atrocities of these folks to whom state authorities have failed to pay pension to these folks for many months.  They are so hard pressed financially that they decided to stay outside banks with the hope they will get a meager amount called pension to ease off their sufferings at  least for few days.
I would like to ask from my government, is this GOOD GOVERNANCE for which they have been spending billions of rupees? In my books its sheer mismanagement, irresponsible attitude, governmental failure, blah blah… It appears that my fellow countrymen sitting in public offices have stopped working. Simply stopped performed their duties for which they are being paid for. Don't they think this act of theirs falls into the act of professional dishonesty? What difference does it make? My public servants, who pose themselves as BOSSES have never worked honestly. Had they done that the country's development index would have shown that. My GDP growth would have elucidated this fact. My progress indicator would have show upward trends. But unfortunately that is not the case. All the indicators are showing downward trends, precariously falling numbers.
We have entered into a state of bankruptcy. Financial bankruptcy, moral bankruptcy, ethical bankruptcy and SOCIAL BANKRUPTCY.
Be aware that "The strength of a nation is derived from the integrity of its masses”. Those nations which do not enforce accountability, act in preemption, which do not plan in advance and are not ready to perform their assigned duties, tasks judiciously, vanish from the globe. They lose their right to exist.


  1. I fully endorse views of brother Abu Shazil and would like to add that the core reason for this bankruptcy is our ignorance and non adherence to the golden principles of Islam, which provide assurance of fairness, justice and above all care for human beings. Fear of Allah SWT and HIS system of Accountability is the only way we can come out of this crisis!!

  2. Yes! Bro Masood you are absolutely right. All our atrocities are because we are drifting away from our religion which gives us complete code of life
